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 Yoga Sprouts Small Group Private Session

The Small family has kindly offered to host a weekly small group private Yoga Sprouts class at their home in Crystal Harbour.


These weekly Yoga Sprouts classes will take on a "Strong Girls" theme:


Our Strong Girls classes are designed to empower and motivate girls to live lives they love in bodies they love.  Each class is a journey of self-discovery that supports the development of healthy friendships, positive body image, confidence, and a strong sense of self. Through both contemplative and physical activities designed to support the development of strong minds and strong bodies, girls will learn how to improve their confidence and self-esteem, build inner-strength and self-belief, grow friendships, improve their health, manage stress and gain the tools essential for living happy, healthy and inspired lives.




Fall Term Details:



Thursdays, 3:50 pm - 4:30 pm 


10 weeks


September 15 - November 24

(No class October 27 - mid-term break)




Classes will be held at the Small residence

Sardinia Close, Crystal Harbour (we'll email out the address and directions with confirmation details)



A minimum of 6 girls are required for this session to run, and we have space for a maximum of 7.


Suggested age range: 5 - 9 year olds









See Also:

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